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1:1 Product Recommendations
1:1 Product Recommendations

Create and use smart data-driven product recommendations per every step of your customer journey

What is LimeSpot?Increase sales and delight customers with industry-leading suite of smart data-driven personalization and customized merchandising solutoins
How to manually select upsells and cross-sells at the collection levelA guide on how to manually select specific upsell and cross-sell items for one or multiple collections.
Quick actions for recommendation boxesChoose from Pop-up or Overlay for Add-to-Cart button to display your product variants
LimeSpot Designer compatibility with CAPTCHA for BigCommerce merchantsRead about the compatibility with Captcha for BigCommerce Users
Impact on LimeSpot of launching a new theme.If you are launching a new theme for your store, you may need to make some styling updates to your LimeSpot boxes
How does LimeSpot's tier based pricing work?How LimeSpot fees are correlated with your store's revenue
Request a LimeSpot demoHow to request a LimeSpot Demo
Display most popular products in search resultsLearn how adding LimeSpot's Most Popular Recommendations to the Shopify Predictive Search can help improve your search results page

How to Install LimeSpot App on Shopify PlatformInstalling LimeSpot onto your Shopify store is super easy!
How to manually install LimeSpot on BigCommerce non-Stencil themes (pre 2016)Learn how to manually install LimeSpot app if you are still using pre 2016, non-Stencil themes on your BigCommerce store
Update LimeSpot Personalizer on BigCommerceBigCommerce merchants may need to update LimeSpot Personalizer to be able to use all LimeSpot features.
How to access the LimeSpot Admin PanelLearn how you can access the LimeSpot Admin Panel
Create a LimeSpot accountLearn how to create a LimeSpot Account.
How to Select Your SegmentsSelect the 'Segments' of your products so we can analyze your store better.
What Should I Check on Preview Mode?Check the styles, placements, images and alignments of the recommendation boxes...
How to Select the Best Recommendation Boxes Settings to Start WithSelect the best recommendation boxes settings for your store...
Questions about your setup?Learn more about LimeSpot Personalizer setup.
How to Select the Best Color, Font Style and Design of the Recommendation BoxesWe suggest to use the settings that you have in your Shopify theme so that the recommendation boxes look good with your theme...
How to Add/Remove the Recommendation BoxesLearn how to add/remove our Intelligent Product Recommendation boxes on your store.
How to choose the best placement for your recommendation boxesBest placements help shoppers to more rapidly find the products they love and help increase the performance of personalization on your store
Is the LimeSpot App active in my live store?How can you tell if the LimeSpot is active or not in your online store...
What is the difference between "Save" and "Publish"?Once you have made the desired changes on your designer, you can either Save or Publish the changes you have made.
How to Hide/Exclude Products from the Recommendation BoxesIn order to hide/exclude specific products from our recommendation boxes, please follow these steps.
How to Change the Upsell MessageLearn more about how to change the upsell message.
How to display vendor names on LimeSpot product recommendationsHow to display vendor names in LimeSpot product recommendation boxes.

Should I use Most Popular or Trending Items?The algorithm for the Most Popular and Trending recommendation boxes generate data in slightly different ways.
Should I use Related Items or Cross-sell?Related Items are auto-generated by default, whereas the Cross-sell box requires manual selection of products.
Should I use Carousel or Grid Style?Learn more about the different styles of recommendation boxes.
How to maximize the performance of upsell recommendationsLearn more about Upsell recommendations and how to optimize it
How to maximize the performance of cross-sell recommendationsLearn more about cross-sell recommendations and how to optimize them
What Is A Upsell/Cross-sell Recommendation Box?LimeSpot's Upsell and Cross-sell recommendation boxes are a great addition to any store.
How to Manually Select Upsell/Cross-sell ItemsA guide on how to manually select specific Upsell/Cross-sell items for a single product or multiple products.
How to Import Upsell and Cross-Sell CSV FileBatch import for manually picking upsell and cross-sell items. Learn the guidelines to make sure your CSV file is properly formatted.
How to randomize the in-cart upsell recommendations order on every page loadFind out how to show a different item order for the Upsell recommendation box on every page load.
How to Arrange the Order of Cross-sell/Upsell ItemsA guide on how to change the order of Cross-sell/Upsell items in the recommendation boxes
How to Delete the Cross-sell/Upsell Relation of a ProductA guide on how to remove the cross-sell & upsell relation from a product.
How do I change the placement of recommendation boxesFollow this guide to learn how to move the recommendation boxes around inside the Designer.
How to add LimeSpot product recommendations to external websitesHow to add the LimeSpot recommendation boxes to other websites.
How to show returning shoppers a recommendations related to their past activitiesSome of our recommendation boxes can be used on all pages allowing you to show returning shoppers products related to their past activities.
Optimizing CLS Scores: Best Practices for Placing LimeSpot Recommendation BoxesBest Practices for Placing LimeSpot Recommendation Boxes to improve CLS scores.
Understanding JavaScript and its integration with LimeSpot for enhanced e-commerce experiencesLearn how to use JavaScript to enhances LimeSpot's e-commerce by enabling dynamic content and personalized experiences

Why do some of my products have incorrect information displaying?If you see that your product's title or price information is incorrect, we have a quick fix!
Why do some boxes not show the expected number of items?When one item is already showing on one of the recommendation boxes, it would not show on the other recommendations.
Do the recommendation boxes affect my page load/SEO?We render our recommendation boxes after the page loads so we do not have an effect on your store's page speed or SEO.
Why isn't the Related Items Recommendation Box Showing Up?If your store has 1500+ products, the related items algorithm works differently.
Why isn't the You May Like recommendation box showing up?Did you publish to your store but the You May Like box isn't showing? Here's why.
Why isn't the Frequently Bought Together recommendation box showing up?Did you publish to your store but the Frequently Bought Together box isn't showing? Here's why.
Why isn't the Cross-Sell recommendation box showing up?Did you publish to your store but the Cross-Sell box isn't showing? Here's why.
Why isn't the recent purchases recommendation box showing up?Requirements for displaying the recent purchases recommendation box.
Why isn't the Recently Viewed recommendation box showing up?Did you publish to your store but the Recent Views box isn't showing? Here's why.
How to Translate LimeSpot's ComponentsLearn how to translate some of LimeSpot's components such as the box title, sale sign, and add to cart button.
How do I change the title of a recommendation box?How to change or edit recommendation box titles
How to edit the sale tagThe sale tag is shown on our boxes by default and you can customize the look of it through the designer.
How to select Cross-sell & Up-sell fallbackIf you have not manually selected items to show up on your Cross-sell or Up-sell box, there is a fallback option.
How to Add the Upsell Box to AJAX Side CartThe Upsell box is automatically added to default Shopify themes. Read more on how to add the Upsell box to Ajax for other themes.
Integrating LimeSpot recommendation boxes into BigCommerce's slide-out cartA technical walkthrough of how you can add LimeSpot recommendations to your BigCommerce slide-out cart
Does LimeSpot offer pop-ups?How to add LimeSpot product recommendation boxes to pop-ups?
Does LimeSpot Support Internet Explorer?LimeSpot is unable to support Internet Explorer.
Why does the Designer/Live Preview show incorrect recommendations?Recommendations inside the Designer/Live Preview are only sample items and are not based on actual data.
What to do when my store is password-protected?You can use LimeSpot with your password-protected store.
Why is my product inventory not updated through LimeSpot?Read on to learn how to update your product inventory inside LimeSpot.
Why do I still see personalizations after I uninstall LimeSpot?Find out why you may still see LimeSpot personalizations on your store after uninstalling the app.
Some recommendations seem unrelated or out of place. Why is this and how can I fix it?Selecting the wrong segments can cause our product recommendations to not be very accurate.
How to change the number of items displayed in a recommendations boxA guide on setting the number of items to display in the boxes.
How to Enable/Disable the Product Review StarsHere are the instructions to enable/disable the review stars on the items inside the recommendation boxes.
Why are my recommendation boxes not showing after changing to a new theme?If you decide to change your store's theme, you may find that our recommendation boxes are not appearing. Here's how to fix it.
Does LimeSpot update your store theme?Find out why LimeSpot is updating your theme and appearing in your Shopify activity feed.
How to add LimeSpot recommendations to the checkout pageGuide to adding LimeSpot recommendation boxes to the checkout page. Checkout page is only available to Plus customers (Shopify limitation).
How to add LimeSpot recommendations to the checkout page on BigCommerce storesLearn how to add our boxes to the checkout page on BigCommerce stores
How to set op my recommendation boxes as bundlesLearn how to display our boxes in a bundle type way on the product pages
Use an empty div element to anchor your LimeSpot personalizations
Multi-Language Support on LimeSpotHow well does LimeSpot work with language conversion tools?
How does a LimeSpot “Collection” translate to BigCommerce’s features?For brands utilizing BigCommerce, the term "Collections" used by LimeSpot, might seem unclear. Read on for clarification!
What happens when I pause LimeSpot?Learn more about pausing LimeSpot app and its impact on your store and billing.
Product images for LimeSpot recommendation boxes are not loadingLearn how to fix if LimeSpot product images are not loading