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Why is my product inventory not updated through LimeSpot?
Why is my product inventory not updated through LimeSpot?

Read on to learn how to update your product inventory inside LimeSpot.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

If you find that you have added new products or removed specific products from your Shopify database and they are/are not displaying in our recommendation boxes, we have a quick and easy solution! This issue is caused by our database not being in sync with your store’s latest data*, and can be fixed with a Manual Sync.
Follow these instructions to perform a Manual Sync:

  1. On the top panel of your LimeSpot Admin Panel, click Content > Manual Sync

  2. Click Initiate Sync. You will now see a 'Job Progress' page, giving you updates on the status of your product sync.
    ​ NOTE: If you have many products, this may take a few minutes to complete. You will see a notification on the top right corner of your admin panel once the sync is finished.

  3. Refresh website in browser. The issue should be fixed.

NOTE: Once you click Sync Products, the sync has begun on our end even if your Job progress window remains blank. There's no need to click Sync Products again—it's in our system and will complete.
 * Shopify sends LimeSpot updates on stores’ data 5-6 times a day. The time gaps between these webhook updates cause the issues with image loads. A Manual Sync is a manual request for Shopify to immediately sync LimeSpot’s database with your store’s most recent data.

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