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Related Items Settings

Learn more about Related Items Settings!

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

Related Items are products that are similar to the item that is currently being viewed or purchased (maximum of 20 items). There are three modes in which you can generate Related Items:

  1. Auto-generated: Related Items will be generated automatically by our engine based on similarities (e.g. product type, attributes, collections, tags) and user behaviors.

  2. Cross-Sell: Related Items will only include the items that are flagged as Cross-Sell on Upsell / Cross-Sell settings page (we'll get there in a bit).

  3. Cross-Sell Then Auto-generated: Related Items will consist of the items flagged as Cross-sell, followed by LimeSpot-generated related items.

Related Items Settings

You can access the Related Items Settings in your LimeSpot admin panel > Conversion > Upsell & Cross-sell > Pick the product you would like to edit > Box Settings tab.

As explained earlier there are three modes for generating related items for each item:

  1. Auto-generated 

  2. Cross-Sell

  3. Cross-Sell then Auto-generated

NOTE: If you choose options 2 or 3 from the Related Items options above, make sure to follow the steps related to Cross-sell items settings.

You can assign a custom title to the Related Items recommendation box. If you leave it blank, the default title for that item's related item recommendation box will be the one that you choose in the Box Settings page in the Box Designer (Conversion > Website Personalization > Customize).

NOTE: If you have the Cross-sell recommendation box active on your product and/or cart pages, we suggest that you do not select this option because it will show two identical recommendation boxes on those pages.

If you would like to read more about our Upsell and Cross-sell settings, follow this link.

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