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Requesting a Refund for LimeSpot Personalizer?
Requesting a Refund for LimeSpot Personalizer?

Learn more about LimeSpot Personalizer's Refund Policy.

Gillian avatar
Written by Gillian
Updated over a week ago

ATTENTION: This article only applies if you are on the legacy performance-based pricing. If you are on a tiered-based pricing, and need help with your monthly invoice please chat or email support.

Wrong Invoice Charge?

If you are experiencing any problems with your LimeSpot invoices (ie. double charge, wrong invoice, etc.), you need to notify us through email within 30 days of your invoice date.

LimeSpot automatically deducts all Test, Cancelled and Returned purchases from your bill. If you noticed any non-LimeSpot Assisted transactions, including those mentioned above, in your bills, please email us and you will be eligible for a quick refund.

Uninstalled in the middle of the Billing Cycle?

If you are requesting for a refund since you have uninstalled LimeSpot in the middle of your billing cycle (30 days), LimeSpot Personalizer charges are split into 2 categories: Flat Fee and 2% of the LimeSpot Assisted revenue usage charge.

  • The 2% of the LimeSpot Assisted revenue will be waived on the current billing cycle. The current performance of LimeSpot will not be calculated once you have uninstalled the app. Take note that the 2% charge in the last invoice belongs to the last billing cycle.

  • The Flat Fee that was charged in the last invoice is only charged on your account if LimeSpot performed well in your last billing cycle. We only charge you if our app drove enough revenue for your store in the last month. Hence, we will not be able to refund you this money. We suggest that you continue using the app until the last day of your billing cycle.

Note: We will NOT be able to process your request and/or to refund/credit you after 30 days from the invoice issuance date.

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