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Introduction to LimeSpot Analytics
Introduction to LimeSpot Analytics

A guide to all of LimeSpot’s Analytics reports

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

LimeSpot provides robust analytics options for brands to help them monitor their sales and understand how LimeSpot is impacting their business. If you have any questions about a specific report, you can find it here. Please note that not all LimeSpot subscription plans have access to every report page, but every LimeSpot user should have access to the reports they need.

When setting dates for your report, please remember that we exclude today’s data when comparing stats against different dates to avoid the variability still happening in the current day. "Conversion" is used for any metric that indicates rates or percentages obtained by dividing two values.

The following analytics guides are divided into sections that mirror what you’ll find in LimeSpot’s admin analytics. Please remember that each analytic page includes robust filters you can use to take closer looks at specific periods, sources, and A/B tests.

If you are unsure what sources are or how LimeSpot-assisted revenue is defined, please visit the following help center articles:


Overview Graph

This graph gives an overview of LimeSpot’s performance on your site. The Y-axis lists revenue, and the X-axis lists dates. The gray graph depicts standard navigation revenue; the green is LimeSpot-assisted revenue. Hover over the graph for the exact revenue amount.

Sales Funnel

The Sales Funnel metric in LimeSpot analytics is an essential tool that tracks the journey of products through three crucial stages: viewing, adding to the cart, and purchasing, for both LimeSpot and standard sources. This metric benefits brands, offering deep insights into customer behavior and product performance. It shows the number of products in each stage and the conversions between these stages. By leveraging this information, brands can identify bottlenecks, optimize their marketing strategies, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their sales process. This understanding is key in pinpointing where potential customers might drop off, allowing for informed decisions to improve conversions and boost sales.

  • Products in Stages: Tracks products at different stages: viewed, in the cart, and purchased.

  • Product Conversions: Measures movement of products from viewing to purchasing.

  • LimeSpot vs. Standard Sources: Compares LimeSpot's performance against standard sources.

Product Conversion

The Product Conversion report is a metric that measures the conversion rate of products from being viewed to purchased. This analysis is particularly useful as it clearly compares LimeSpot-assisted (LimeSpot-driven) conversions and those from standard sources. By understanding this ratio, brands can gauge the effectiveness of LimeSpot's product recommendations in influencing shopper’s decisions and driving sales. This insight is instrumental for businesses in evaluating their recommendation strategies' impact and making data-driven adjustments to enhance customer engagement and increase conversion rates.

  • Product Conversion Rate: Ratio of viewed products to purchased ones.

  • LimeSpot vs. Standard Conversion: Compares LimeSpot's impact and standard sources.

Performance Overview

Performance Overview in LimeSpot is a valuable report that not only displays the revenue generated from different sources and their contribution as a percentage of the total revenue but also includes key metrics such as Average Order Value (AOV), total Orders, Refund & Discount amounts, and Products Net Sales. This comprehensive overview is crucial as it provides a clear breakdown of revenue drivers, helping brands understand which sources are most effective for customer engagement and sales. By analyzing metrics like AOV and the impact of refunds and discounts on net sales, businesses can gain insights into customer purchasing behavior and the overall financial health of their sales. This information is indispensable for strategic decision-making, enabling LimeSpot users to optimize marketing efforts and resources to maximize profitability and ROI.

  • Revenue by Source: Tracks revenue contribution from different sources.

  • Average Order Value (AOV): This represents the average amount spent per order, calculated as total revenue divided by the number of orders.

  • Orders: The total number of orders placed within the selected time frame.

  • Refund & Discount: The total amount discounted from orders or refunded to customers.

  • Products Net Sales: The total product net sales

Product Recommendations

These analytics are an insightful report that tracks your store's performance of LimeSpot recommendation boxes. This section provides critical metrics such as the number of times products are displayed (impressions), the frequency of clicks on these products, and the resulting net sales. These metrics are crucial as they clearly show how effective LimeSpot's recommendation engine is in engaging customers and driving sales.

The impressions metric reveals the visibility of recommended products, while clicks indicate customer interest and engagement. Net sales resulting from these recommendations provide a direct measure of their impact on revenue. By analyzing these metrics, LimeSpot users can assess the effectiveness of their product placement strategies and tailor their recommendations to better align with customer preferences and behavior. This leads to enhanced user experience, increased engagement, and higher sales conversions.

  • Impressions: Times products were shown in a recommendation box

  • Clicks: Number of clicks on products through a recommendation box

  • Net Sales: The product net sale through a recommendation box


This analysis is a vital source of information for understanding customer engagement and behavior in your store. It highlights key metrics such as the number of unique visitors, retention rate, and total sessions. These metrics are crucial for evaluating how well your store is attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. You can assess your store's reach and appeal to new customers by analyzing the number of unique visitors. The retention rate provides insight into customer loyalty and the effectiveness of your engagement strategies, while the total number of sessions reflects the overall engagement level with your store. This comprehensive understanding of your audience is indispensable for optimizing marketing campaigns, enhancing the customer experience, and driving sustained sales growth.

  • Unique Visitors: Total number of distinct visitors in 1 day.

  • Sessions: Total number of user sessions in 1 day. “Sessions” represents interactions with your store. A session begins when a user visits the site and remains active. If a user is inactive for 30 minutes, the session ends.

  • Retention Rate: is calculated as (Unique Visitors * 100 / Sessions) - 100

  • Top Segments: Most prominent audience segments.


This report evaluates the effectiveness of your personalized marketing campaigns in the store. This report provides detailed metrics on how products featured in various campaigns perform regarding visibility (impressions), customer engagement (clicks), and the resulting net sales.

These metrics are critical for understanding the impact of each campaign on driving customer interest and generating revenue. Impressions indicate how often products in your campaigns are viewed, clicks reveal customer interaction with these products, and net sales quantify the financial success of the campaigns. By analyzing this data, you can assess which campaigns are most effective, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your marketing strategies. This can lead to more targeted and successful marketing efforts, ultimately enhancing customer experience and boosting sales.

  • Impressions: Times products were displayed in a campaign

  • Clicks: The number of times a product is clicked through a campaign

  • Net Sales: The product net sale through a campaign


This section provides insights into how LimeSpot's product recommendations drive sales. It's important to note that the numbers on this page do not include tax or shipping costs, focusing solely on the direct sales impact of LimeSpot's recommendations. This page is instrumental for brands to understand the effectiveness of the recommendation engine in influencing customer purchase decisions and driving revenue growth, excluding external cost factors.


On the Recommendations page in LimeSpot's analytics, each section is dedicated to evaluating the performance of a "LimeSpot recommendation box". These sections offer a range of valuable metrics that are instrumental in determining how effectively these recommendation boxes assist customer engagement and sales. By delving into these metrics, brands can gain a comprehensive understanding of how each recommendation box is performing. This analysis is crucial for LimeSpot users as it aids in evaluating the effectiveness of their current recommendation strategies, allowing them to make necessary adjustments. Consequently, this leads to optimizing the boxes' impact on sales and customer engagement, ensuring that the recommendations are as practical and relevant as possible.

The page is divided up by your website’s pages. Each page has the “Standard Navigation” numbers to compare with the LimeSpot-assisted numbers. To see just the types of recommendation boxes no matter the page, switch the “View by” to “Type” in the filter at the top of the analytics page.


  • Product Gross Sales: Total product revenue before product discount and product refund deductions

  • Product Net Sales: is calculated as Product Gross Sales - Product Discounts - Product Refunds

  • Average Time: Average time spent on a product (total time spent on a product divided by total view count).

  • Discount: The product revenue amount that was discounted

  • Refund: The product revenue amount that was refunded, returned or cancelled


  • Click: Number of times a product has been clicked through a LimeSpot recommendation box or widget.

  • Cart: Number of times a product has been added to the cart from the recommendation box or widget, either by arriving at the product page via the recommendation box or widget or by adding it to cart via LS recommendation box add to cart functionality. Not tracked when the "buy now" button is used.

  • Purchase: Number of times a product has been purchased after being viewed or added to the cart from the recommendation box, including through the "buy now" button. This source of the purchase is subject to the LimeSpot purchase attribution window which is set to 7 days by default (settings are adjustable); beyond this, it's considered standard navigation. A purchase is credited to LimeSpot if the product is added to the cart, viewed, or bought via a LimeSpot recommendation box or widget, or if it's added to the cart or viewed via a LimeSpot recommendation box or widget within 7 days (termed as LimeSpot-assisted/driven revenue).

  • Refund: Number of purchases that were refunded. Refunds are attributed to the recommendation box that received credit for the original purchase.

Tip: Click on the burger menu in the top right corner of the recommendation box report, and you can download your orders associated with the box or the purchase details.


The Revenue Analytics page is a strategic dashboard designed to give LimeSpot users a thorough breakdown of their store's revenue dynamics. It encompasses a detailed Sales Overview graph alongside granular metrics such as gross sales, discounts, and refunds. Each is dissected for deeper financial insights. Users can fine-tune the displayed information by selecting different A/B testing experiences or campaign data, enhancing their ability to assess and hone their marketing strategies. This page is an important tool for brands to understand their financial trajectory, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to bolster their revenue.

Sales Overview

This graph represents the total sales for the entire store. This metric can be filtered to display data according to different A/B testing experiences or campaigns, helping brands to discern the impact of specific marketing initiatives.

  • Total Sales: The sum of all product sales revenue generated by the store.

  • Discounts: The total amount of discounts applied to product sales

  • Shipping: Revenue generated from shipping fees charged to customers.

  • Tax: The total amount of product sales tax collected from transactions.

  • Refunds: The total amount of refunds from product refund, return or cancellation.


This Sales Report is designed to distill the essence of your store's financial activity, providing a granular view of your revenue streams. It dissects the totality of your sales data, distinguishing between LimeSpot-assisted and general sales, and clarifies the net results after discounts, refunds, and other deductions.

  • Product Gross Sales: Total product revenue before product discount and product refund deductions

  • Product Net Sales: is calculated as Product Gross Sales - Product Discounts - Product Refunds

  • Discounts: The total amount of gross sales is reduced due to promotional discounts.

  • Product Refunds: The amount refunded to customer for product refund, return, or cancelation

  • Shipping: The total amount of revenue generated from shipping costs

  • Refund Shipping: The amount refunded to customers for shipping charges

  • Tax: The total amount of tax collected from sales.

  • Refund Tax: The amount of sales tax refunded to customers

  • Total Sales: is calculated as Product Net Sales + Shipping - Refund Shipping.


The refunds report allows any brand to see their refunds in one place. This report provides detailed insights into refunds issued, helping brands understand the total impact of refunds on revenue and the extent to which LimeSpot-assisted sales are represented in these figures.

The following metrics refer to the store’s total sales:

  • Product Refunds: The total amount subtracted from the gross sales for returned, canceled or refunded products.

  • Tax Refunds: The amount refunded to customer for product refund, return, or cancelation

  • Shipping Refunds: The amount refunded to customers for shipping charges

  • Total Refunds: is calculated as Product Refunds + Tax Refunds + Shipping Refunds

  • Total Refunds Rate: is calculated as LimeSpot driven Refunds / Standard driven Refunds

Product Refund Conversions

This analytics section provides a deep dive into the relationship between sales and refunds, offering a clear view of how refunds impact your revenue. By examining the Product Refund Conversions, brands can understand the percentage of gross sales that results in refunds, which is a vital metric for assessing sales health and identifying potential issues in product satisfaction or quality.

  • Product Gross Sales: Total product revenue before product discount and product refund deductions

  • Purchase: The count of individual products sold.

  • Refund Rate: is calculated as Refund Amount / Product Gross Sales

  • Return Rate: is calculated as Number of Returns / Number of Purchases

Product Discount Conversions

Discounts play a significant role in influencing consumer behavior and can be a powerful tool for driving sales. The Product Discount Conversions report illustrates how discounts are utilized within your sales strategy and their proportion relative to overall sales. This metric is essential for understanding promotional activities' impact on revenue and optimizing discounting tactics for better profitability. This report is divided into standard and LimeSpot-assisted discounts, allowing brands to separately analyze the effectiveness of their discounting strategies and how LimeSpot recommendations contribute to discounted sales.

  • Discount Rate: is calculated as Discount Amount / Product Gross Sales


The "Products" page in LimeSpot analytics is an invaluable resource for brands seeking detailed insights into product performance. This page showcases a wealth of data for each item, including sales, conversion rates, and discounts, offering a granular view of how individual products contribute to overall business success. By analyzing this data, LimeSpot users can identify top-performing products, discover items that may benefit from additional promotion, and make informed decisions on inventory management and pricing strategy. It's a powerful tool for optimizing product offerings and maximizing revenue.

Product-Specific Reports

The Individual Product Performance report within LimeSpot Analytics provides detailed insights into the metrics that matter most for understanding each product's contribution to your store's success. This report is crucial for brands looking to optimize product strategies, as it offers a clear understanding of customer interactions with products through different LimeSpot recommendation boxes and standard navigation.


  • Prod. Net Sales: The total revenue generated from the product after returns and discounts have been accounted for. (Prod. Net Sales = Prod. Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Conversion: The percentage of views that resulted in a purchase, indicating the product's effectiveness at converting interest into sales. (Conversion Rate = Number of Purchases / Number of Views)

  • Average Time: The average amount of time customers spend viewing the product can be a strong indicator of engagement. (Average Time = Total Time Spent on Product / Total Views)

  • Prod. Gross Sales: The total revenue generated from the product before any deductions. (Prod. Gross Sales = Total Sales Amount before Refunds and Discounts)

  • Discount: The total amount discounted for the product, showcasing the impact of promotions on sales. (Discount = Total Discounted Amount for Product)

  • Refund: The total value of refunds issued for the product, which can highlight post-purchase satisfaction or issues. (Refund = Total Refunded Amount for Product)


  • Popularity: This metric offers a snapshot of a product's overall visibility and the level of interest it garners from customers based on its all-time performance. It takes into account the cumulative engagement activities over the past 21 days. (Popularity Score = Total Number of Views + Total Adds to Cart + Total Purchases over 21 days)

  • Trending: This dynamic metric provides a real-time pulse of a product's recent popularity surge or decline, refreshing every three hours. It captures the immediate customer interactions to reflect short-term trends. (Trending Score = Increase or Decrease in Popularity Score based on the last 3-hour activity span)

  • View: The number of times customers have viewed the product. (View Count = Total Product Views)

  • Cart: The number of times the product has been added to the cart, which can indicate purchase intent. (Cart Count = Total Adds to Cart)

  • Purchase: The number of times the product has been purchased is a direct measure of sales success. (Purchase Count = Total Completed Purchases)

  • Refund: The number of times the product has been refunded, which may point to issues with the product or customer satisfaction. (Refund Count = Total Number of Refunds for Product)

Tip: In each product’s box, click the burger menu to see orders in which the products were included. Click the order number to open Shopify and view.

A/B Testing Dashboard

The A/B Testing Dashboard on LimeSpot Analytics presents a dynamic comparison of different user experiences, enabling brands to measure the impact of various layouts and recommendations on their store's performance.

A/B Testing Overview

This section focuses on 'Total Revenue,' capturing standard navigation and LimeSpot-assisted interactions. It's essential for identifying which experiences yield the highest returns and informing strategic decisions for future tests.

  • Baseline: The default user experience against which all others are compared.

  • Total Revenue: The sum of revenue from product gross sales, encompassing both standard and LimeSpot-enhanced interactions. (Total Revenue = Product Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Actual Product Net Sales: The actual net sales generated by products after accounting for discounts and refunds. (Actual Product Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Potential Product Net Sales: An estimate of what the net sales could be if a particular experience were applied across all sessions. (Potential Product Net Sales = Total Unique Session Count * (Net Total Revenue / Total Unique Session Count))

  • Session/Purchase Conversion: The ratio of sessions that result in a purchase, indicating the effectiveness of the experience in converting visitors. (Session/Purchase Conversion = Total Number of Purchases / Total Number of Sessions)

  • Average Order Value: The average value of orders placed, providing insight into spending habits under different experiences. (Average Order Value = Total Revenue / Total Order Count)

  • Revenue per Session: The average revenue generated per session which helps gauge the profitability of the traffic. (Revenue per Session = Revenue / Total Unique Session Counts)

  • Purchase: The total number of items purchased, not the total number of orders. (Purchase Count = Total Number of Items Purchased)

  • Sessions: The total number of active user interactions on the site, with a session ending after 30 minutes of inactivity. (Sessions = Sum of Total Unique Session Counts)

The A/B test burger menu offers additional options for a deeper dive into the data, including viewing orders that included these product sales, changing the baseline experience, and downloading the complete purchase history for all experiences.

A/B Testing Graphs

Below the overview, the dashboard features interactive graphs that allow brands to visualize performance across various metrics. Users can choose different metrics to display on the graph, providing a visual comparison of performance across experiences.

Metrics Included:

  • Actual Product Net Sales: The revenue from sales after returns, refunds, and discounts have been subtracted. It reflects the true revenue earned from product sales. (Actual Product Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Potential Product Net Sales: A projection of the revenue that could be expected if the tested experience were applied across all sessions. It's an estimate based on current performance data. (Potential Product Net Sales = Sum of Total Unique Session Counts * (Net Total Revenue / Total Unique Session Count))

  • Session/Purchase Conversion: This metric indicates the effectiveness of an experience in converting sessions into purchases. It is a crucial indicator of how well the user experience drives sales. (Session/Purchase Conversion Rate = Total Number of Purchases / Total Number of Sessions)

  • Avg. Order Value: The average monetary value of each order placed during the test period. This metric helps understand the spending patterns of customers under different experiences. (Average Order Value = Total Revenue / Total Order Count)

  • Revenue per Session: The average amount of revenue generated per session. This indicates the value of each user session in terms of revenue. (Revenue per Session = Total Revenue / Total Unique Session Counts)


The "Audience" page in LimeSpot Analytics offers a powerful aggregation of data that details how different audience segments interact with your store. It's a treasure trove of insights that helps you understand your customers’ behaviors and preferences based on various demographic and behavioral metrics. This page not only allows you to observe which products are getting attention but also tracks the performance across different segments, such as device type, operating system, and geographical location. With this information, brands can craft personalized experiences, target specific demographics more effectively, and optimize their marketing strategies to improve conversion rates and overall sales performance. It's a strategic tool for enhancing customer engagement and maximizing revenue potential through tailored content and offers.

Performance Overview

This section of the Audience Analytics provides a snapshot of how different audience segments interact with your store, giving you insights into session activities and their outcomes. Understanding these behaviors is critical for brands to effectively tailor their marketing and customer engagement strategies.

Filter by the following options:

  • Sessions: The total number of active user sessions on the site within a selected time frame. (Sessions = Total Number of User Sessions)

  • Clicks: The total number of times users clicked on items or links, indicating engagement. (Clicks = Total Number of Item or Link Clicks)

  • Orders: The number of completed purchases reflecting successful conversions. (Orders = Total Number of Completed Purchases)

  • AOV (Average Order Value): The average monetary value of each order a key metric for understanding spending behavior. (AOV = Total Revenue / Total Number of Orders)

  • Sales Value: The total revenue generated from all sales, a direct indicator of business performance. (Sales Value = Sum of All Sales)

  • Discount: The total amount of sales has been reduced due to discounts. (Discount = Total Discounted Amount)

  • Refund: The total value returned to customers for refunds, which impacts net sales. (Refund = Total Refunded Amount)

  • Net Sales: The total revenue from sales after discounts and refunds have been subtracted. (Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Click/Session Conversion: The ratio of sessions that result in at least one click, showing the engagement level per session. (Click/Session Conversion = Total Clicks / Total Sessions)

  • Purchase/Session Conversion: The frequency with which sessions result in a purchase, a measure of conversion effectiveness. (Purchase/Session Conversion = Total Purchases / Total Sessions)

  • Purchase/Click Conversion: The ratio of clicks that result in a purchase, indicating the effectiveness of clicks in driving sales. (Purchase/Click Conversion = Total Purchases / Total Clicks)

Filter the above in combination with these options:

  • Sessions: The total number of active user interactions on the site within a selected time frame. (Sessions = Total Number of User Sessions)

  • Clicks: The total number of times users clicked on items or links, indicating engagement. (Clicks = Total Number of Item or Link Clicks)

  • Orders: The number of completed purchases, reflecting successful conversions. (Orders = Total Number of Completed Purchases)

  • AOV (Average Order Value): The average monetary value of each order, a key metric for understanding spending behavior. (AOV = Total Revenue / Total Number of Orders)

  • Sales Value: The total revenue generated from all sales, a direct indicator of business performance. (Sales Value = Sum of All Sales)

  • Discount: The total amount by which sales have been reduced due to discounts. (Discount = Total Discounted Amount)

  • Refund: The total value returned to customers for refunds, which impacts net sales. (Refund = Total Refunded Amount)

  • Net Sales: The total revenue from sales after discounts and refunds have been subtracted. (Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discounts - Refunds)

  • Click/Session Conversion: The ratio of sessions that result in at least one click, showing the engagement level per session. (Click/Session Conversion = Total Clicks / Total Sessions)

  • Purchase/Session Conversion: The frequency with which sessions result in a purchase, a measure of conversion effectiveness. (Purchase/Session Conversion = Total Purchases / Total Sessions)

  • Purchase/Click Conversion: The ratio of clicks that result in a purchase, indicating the effectiveness of clicks in driving sales. (Purchase/Click Conversion = Total Purchases / Total Clicks)

Demographic Performance

Demographic Performance offers a breakdown of sales and interactions based on various demographic criteria, which can help brands understand who their customers are and how they can better target different groups.

Filter by the following options:

  • Country: Sales performance segmented by the geographical location of the customers. (Sales Value by Country = Total Sales per Country)

  • Device: Breakdown of interactions based on the device used by customers. (Interactions by Device = Total Interactions per Device Type)

  • OS: Sales and session data categorized by the operating system of the user's device. (Sales by OS = Total Sales per Operating System)

  • Browser: A segmentation of user activity based on the browser used to access the site. (Activity by Browser = Total Activity per Browser Type)

Filter the above in combination with these options:

  • Sessions: The total number of interactions or visits that users have with a website within a given timeframe. (Sessions = Total Individual Session Starts)

  • Clicks: The total number of times users have clicked on various elements on the website. (Clicks = Total Click Events Recorded)

  • Orders: The number of transactions or orders completed. (Orders = Total Completed Purchase Transactions)

  • AOV (Average Order Value): The average monetary value of each order placed over a specific period. (AOV = Total Revenue / Total Number of Orders)

  • Sales Value: The total revenue generated from all completed sales. (Sales Value = Sum of All Completed Sales Transactions)

  • Purchase/Click Conversion: The ratio of the number of purchases to the number of clicks, indicating the effectiveness of clicks leading to sales. (Purchase/Click Conversion = Total Number of Purchases / Total Number of Clicks)

  • Click/Session Conversion: The ratio of clicks to sessions, which can indicate how engaging the website content is. (Click/Session Conversion = Total Number of Clicks / Total Number of Sessions)

  • Purchase/Session Conversion: The ratio of the number of purchases to the number of sessions, indicating how often sessions result in a sale. (Purchase/Session Conversion = Total Number of Purchases / Total Number of Sessions)

Audience Segments Performance

This detailed view into audience segment performance allows brands to identify how different segments interact with the store. Each metric provides actionable data, helping brands optimize their marketing efforts to improve engagement and conversion across various audience segments and demographic profiles.

  • Current Members: The number of users currently in each audience segment. (Current Members = Number of Users in Segment)

  • Sessions: The total number of sessions that users from each segment have initiated. (Sessions = Total Sessions by Segment Members)

  • Product Click: The number of times products have been clicked on by members of each segment. (Product Clicks = Total Product Clicks by Segment)

  • Product Click/Session: The average number of product clicks per session for each segment. (Product Click/Session = Total Product Clicks / Total Sessions by Segment)

  • Purchase: The total number of purchases made by each segment. (Purchases = Total Purchases by Segment)

  • Purchase/Session: The ratio of purchases to sessions for each segment. (Purchase/Session = Total Purchases / Total Sessions by Segment)

  • Orders: The total number of orders placed by each segment. (Orders = Total Orders by Segment)


The campaigns section of LimeSpot Analytics offers LimeSpot users an extensive overview of marketing efforts across various channels. This comprehensive suite of reports is designed to give users an in-depth look at how each brand’s campaigns perform, whether through emails, text messages, curated collections, images, HTML, or promotions. By leveraging these detailed analytics, brands can dissect each campaign element to understand how their content connects with audiences, drives engagement, and contributes to the brand's bottom line.

Each sub-report within the campaigns section focuses on specific campaign types, allowing users to measure the reach and effectiveness of their marketing across different mediums and platforms. Whether you're looking to analyze the click-through rates of your latest email blast, the conversion effectiveness of a new curated collection, or the engagement with your most recent HTML5 ads, LimeSpot provides the data necessary to make informed decisions.

Campaign Reports Available:

Brands can choose from the following campaign reports.

  • Overview

  • Emails

  • Text Messages

  • Curated Collections

  • Images

  • HTMLs

  • Shopping Ads

  • Discounts & Promotions

Campaign Page Metrics:

Each campaign report includes the following metrics.

  • Renders (Impressions): The number of times campaign content was displayed to users. (Renders = Total Impressions)

  • Clicks: Tracks the number of times users clicked on campaign content. (Clicks = Total User Clicks on Campaign Content)

  • Product Views: Counts the number of times a product was viewed from a campaign. (Product Views = Total Views of Products Featured in Campaigns)

  • Added to Cart: Measures how often products from campaigns are added to shopping carts. (Added to Cart = Total Add to Cart Actions for Products via Campaigns)

  • Clicks/Render Conversion: The conversion rate of impressions to clicks. (Clicks/Render Conversion = Clicks / Renders)

  • Sold Products: The quantity of products sold through campaign influence. (Sold Products = Total Number of Products Sold via Campaigns)

  • Purchase/Render Conversion: The conversion rate of impressions to purchases. (Purchase/Render Conversion = Number of Purchases / Renders)

  • Orders: The total number of orders that included products from campaigns. (Orders = Total Completed Orders with Campaign Products)

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The average monetary value of orders resulting from campaigns. (AOV = Total Revenue from Campaigns / Number of Orders)

  • Sales Value: The total revenue generated from campaigns. (Sales Value = Sum of Revenue from Sold Products in Campaigns)


In conclusion, LimeSpot's comprehensive analytics suite provides a deep dive into your personalization performance metrics. By leveraging these powerful tools and reports, you can gain invaluable insights into your customers' behaviors, preferences, and engagement with your products across various campaigns and platforms. Whether understanding the nuances of campaign effectiveness or dissecting the subtleties of audience interactions, LimeSpot analytics empowers you to make data-driven decisions that can significantly enhance your marketing strategies, optimize customer experiences, and ultimately drive your store's growth and success.

Remember, the journey through data is ongoing and ever-evolving. Continual analysis and adaptation are the keys to staying ahead in a competitive market. Use the insights you gain here to refine your approach, experiment with new ideas, and keep your brand dynamically aligned with your customers' needs.

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