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What are the Different Types of Recommendation Boxes?
What are the Different Types of Recommendation Boxes?

Not all product recommendations are created equal. Learn about how our recommendation boxes can cater to your store's specific needs.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

LimeSpot's recommendation boxes automatically generate tags/keywords for all the store's products and calculate the product relations through different parameters (keywords, titles, collections and customer behavior through time) thus creating a more tailored and unique shopping experience for each shopper. They also are initialized in an asynchronous manner, which means that the page load is never stopped to wait for our boxes to load.

Here are the different intelligent Product Recommendations:

  • Items that are similar to the item that is currently being viewed or purchased in the product or cart page respectively.

  • Want to add this box to other pages than product or cart page? Learn more here on how to set a "Reference Product" option for this box type to personalize the shopping experience even further.

Cross-sell Items

  • Items that are usually sold together with the ones your customers are currently viewing or purchasing, or would bundle well together. This may be manually selected or automatically generated.

  • Want to add this box to other pages than product or cart page? Learn more here on how to set a "Reference Product" option for this box type to personalize the shopping experience even further.

Upsell Items

  • Items that you want to feature to your customers to boost sales in the cart and order status page. This may be manually selected or automatically generated.

  • Want to add this box to other pages than product or cart page? Learn more here on how to set a "Reference Product" option for this box type to personalize the shopping experience even further.

Frequently Bought Together

  • Uses your store sales data to recommend items for your shoppers that are often purchased together with the item that is currently being viewed. While this recommendation box can be displayed in our traditional carousel style, customers also have the ability to display this box as a "Bundle" option, just like Amazon type recommendations (A+B+C=Add All Items to Cart).

  • Want to add this box to other pages than product or cart page? Learn more here on how to set a "Reference Product" option for this box type to personalize the shopping experience even further.

You May Like

  • You May Like recommendations are calculated using similar items to the ones a customer has recently viewed, enhancing the discovery experience on your website.

  • The behavior of the You May Like box changes for customers who have not viewed any products in your store:

    • If the Most Popular box is present on the same page as the You May Like box, the You May Like box will be hidden.

    • If the Most Popular box is not present on the same page as the You May Like box, or is inactive, the You May Like box will show popular products.

Recent Views

  • Remind shoppers of items they considered buying before.

  • Use social proof to entice your customers with the most popular items on your website since installing Personalizer, and/or the most popular items from the collection currently being viewed.

  • Capitalize on quick changes in the Internet's landscape by showing which of your items are going viral. This is similar to the Most Popular items but it is dependent on the store's most recent traffic.

New Arrivals

  • Allow LimeSpot to automatically discover and showcase the products newly added to your store (we use the added date to your ecommerce service provider, not the publish date of the product to your site). You can also limit the scope to show by a particular collection.

  • Promote any of your existing collections on any of your store pages. (maximum of 4 Featured Collection in each of your store pages)

Recent Purchases

  • Only shows up for logged in customers to show them products that they recently purchased. Useful for getting customers to repurchase products they have purchased before.

You can easily place these intelligent recommendation boxes on the various pages of your online store, including Home, Product, Collection, Cart, Search, Order Status, Blog, 404, and Checkout (Shopify Plus clients only) pages.

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