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How to Use LimeSpot’s Product Collection Merchandising Sorting Options
How to Use LimeSpot’s Product Collection Merchandising Sorting Options
Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

LimeSpot’s Segmented Experience allows users to feature unique curated product collections using minimal manual effort. Suppose you’d like to create multiple variations of your “Starting Collection” to target each group of audiences with a different set of products. In that case, you can do this using LimeSpot’s product merchandising sorting options. [Note: Please remember that the Segmented Experience and Curated Collections are currently only available in Premium plans.]

When editing your Collection Variation, in the right-side pop-out, simply use the drop-down menu to identify and choose the criteria in which you’d like to sort the products in your collection.

Choose from the following options:

  • Inventory - high to low

  • Inventory - low to high

  • Discount - high to low

  • Discount - low to high

  • Discount % - low to high

  • Discount % - high to low

  • Markup - low to high

  • Markup - high to low

  • Markup % - high to low

  • Markup % - low to high

  • Price - high to low

  • Price - low to high

  • Date Added - New to Old

  • Date Added - Old to New

  • Most Popular

  • Trending

Inventory references the number of products you have listed in your Shopify merchandise stock. Because this is entirely based on the inventory data per product LimeSpot receives from your Shopify store, any out-of-stock products that have “Continue selling when out of stock” selected will still register 0 inventory and be sorted accordingly.

Discounts refer to the amount the product’s pricing has changed since being put “on sale.” It is calculated by taking the sales price and subtracting it from the original price.

Markup (AKA Profit) refers to the selling price of the product minus the cost to your brand. For this sorting function to work, you must populate the “Product Cost” field in your Shopify store. Some might refer to this sorting element as “Profit,” but since so many other factors are involved in your brand’s actual profits, we chose to use the term “Markup.”

Price is based on the listed price for your products.

The Date sorting criteria is based on the date the product was added to your store.

Most Popular is based on several different KPIs within your store. To determine this, LimeSpot looks at the “Number of Purchases,” “Add-to-Carts,” “Views,” and “Clicks” (among other things). “Number of Purchases” is weighted more heavily than the other indicators.

Trending is similar to the Most Popular items, but it is dependent on the store's most recent traffic.

To learn more about how Trending and Most Popular sorting works, please visit this help center article. Check out this help center article for more questions about how collections work!

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