Review & Publish

Step 3 to the Curated Collections setup.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

Review your variations and click on the "Preview in Store" to see each variation live on your store.

You can publish your Curated Collection live on your online store by checking the "Publish Immediately" box. If you don't want to publish right away, you can publish later from the list.

Select Complete and you are done! 🎉

💡 When you publish, LimeSpot will automatically create collections on your online store (e.g. Shopify, BigCommerce) for each variation you create here. Our JavaScript code on your store will take care of the transition for different audiences.
Please do not edit or delete these collections from the platform since LimeSpot periodically updates these collections to reflect the latest product changes and and recreates them if they don't exist. LimeSpot automatically deletes these collections when you Unpublish the Curated Collection or remove a variation.

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