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How to Arrange the Order of Cross-sell/Upsell Items
How to Arrange the Order of Cross-sell/Upsell Items

A guide on how to change the order of Cross-sell/Upsell items in the recommendation boxes

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

Getting to the Cross-sell/Upsell Product Screen  

  1. Go to your LimeSpot Administration Panel.

  2. Click on Conversion > Upsell & Cross-sell on the top menu.

  3. Here you will see a list of all of your shop's items on the left panel. Click on a product and a panel with two tabs: Cross - & Upsell and Box Settings will pop up on the right side. Click on Cross - & Upsell. Tip: You can easily search for your items based on keywords and navigate through the items' list page by page.

Item Ordering in the Recommendation Boxes

  • To rearrange the item ordering, simply drag & drop the items anywhere on the list, using the grey placement arrows to the right:

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