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Getting started with Product Bundles Discounts
Getting started with Product Bundles Discounts

This article discusses how to create product bundles discount campaigns to increase your average order value.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

The Personalized Discounts on Product Bundles allows you to offer different incentives for different audiences. Merchants with access to the Audience Segmentation feature can create and present a different discount offer to different shoppers to best align with each shopper's expectations. It comes with several options for brands to discount product bundles to bolster product discovery, increase customer engagement, and boost average order value (AOV).

The Personalized Discounts on Product Bundles feature is available for free to customers on the Premium plan, and available as an add-on for customers on the Essentials plan.

Getting Started

There are 2 requirements to displaying personalized discounts on product bundle:

  1. There must be a bundle recommendation box on the product page

  2. There must be a discount campaign available that applies to the bundle

The Bundle Discounts are fully and natively integrated with LimeSpot product bundles. The discount campaigns you create will be automatically applied to all product bundles on your store if the criteria of the campaign matches the product bundle.

If you do not already have a bundle set up, please follow the steps described in this article.

Once a bundle is available, create a discount campaign by navigating to Conversions > Discounts and Promotions tab:

Set your discount campaign parameters

Click the Create Campaign button and follow the steps to create a new discount campaign. All changes will be applied immediately upon saving the campaign.

When creating a new discount campaign, the first step is to configure the discount parameters. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select a title for your campaign. This title is for internal use only and will not be shown to your site’s visitors.

  2. Select a discount type, which can be a percentage, a specific flat amount, or free shipping.

  3. Specify the discount amount.

4. In the Bundle Conditions section, select the conditions that trigger the discount.

5. Select the discount types that can be combined with your current discount on checkout page, if any.

6. Lastly, set the activation and deactivation conditions of your campaign. Click Next.

Select products to include/exclude

In the second step, select which products should be included and/or excluded in your discount campaign.

In this step, you can use collections, product types, product tags, specific products, and product recommendations to define the scope of your discount campaign.

If you do not include or exclude specific products, all your products will be subject to the discount by default. As such, all product bundles in your store will be connected to your selected discount campaign.

Using matching conditions

  • "Any" means that the condition is true if a product matches at least one condition.

  • "All" means that the condition is true if a product matches all the conditions. Choosing “All” can significantly limit the products included in your campaign.

Tip: Use the Exclude option to prevent Top Sellers or already discounted products from being subject to your discount campaign.

Set the audience segment(s)

You may select which audience segment(s) can access the discount. This option is only available to customers who have the Audience Segmentation feature enabled.

If you do not have access to Audience Segmentation or choose to leave this section undefined, then all shoppers will have access to the discount.

Use the same “any” / ”all” logic as in the previous step. If you choose “any,” then any audience segments you include in the list will have access to the discount campaign. If you choose “all,” then a shopper must match every audience segment you add to access the discount campaign.

You will not see any options on the Audience Target dropdown if you have not created any Audience Segments. You can move ahead without selecting any audiences, which means all your shoppers will be presented with the same discount campaigns on your online store.

Tip: For the purpose of testing, you can choose different audiences for different test scenarios to ensure that a particular campaign is displayed to the right audience!

Customize your Discount Campaign Language

You can customize the text that will be displayed as part of your campaign.

  • The Discount Tag refers to the short, bright label that appears next to the discount information for shoppers.

  • Discount Text is to the right of the tag and provides more details about the offered discount.

  • The Discount Footnote is the “fine print” for your campaign. This text's layout, styling, and placement are handled through the Designer (like it’s normally done with bundles).

Review and complete

Once you’ve completed steps above, you should confirm the details of your discount campaign. If you need to make any changes, then click Previous to return to a prior stage in the process. Click Complete if you’re ready to move on, but please note that there is still one step remaining.

Add to the Designer and Publish

Once the last step of the discount campaign creation is completed, head on over to the Designer (Conversions > Website Personalization, then select Designer).

From there, go to the Product page where you will find, at the bottom of the left column, the Discounts and Promotions section.

Click on Product Bundle Discounts and check the box in the General section to enable bundle discounts.

You can preview how each of your discount campaigns will appear to shoppers by selecting each of your discount campaigns from the Preview drop-down menu. This allows you to view different audience segments for your Discount Campaign without belonging to one yourself.

Remember that the products shown in the bundle, while in the Designer, are randomly selected and that an appropriately personalized selection will be shown to shoppers on your live website.

Once you are satisfied, be sure to Publish your edits in the Designer so they are live in your store.

If you set a delayed start time for your campaign, then the campaign will not be displayed until it is Active based on the set date/time.

When you’re ready to create more discount campaigns, you can either start from scratch or duplicate one of your campaigns and adjust the settings as needed before saving as a new campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of discounts are currently available?

LimeSpot provides a variety of discount types to enhance your e-commerce offerings. Here's a detailed overview of what you can access:

  • Percentage Discount
    Percentage discounts allow you to entice shoppers by applying a specific percentage reduction to the total price of the product(s).

    Best Practice: Offering a percentage discount for items under $100 will appear to be of a greater value than the dollar amount discount. For example, 25% off $75 appears larger than $18.75 off $75.

  • Fixed Amount Discount
    Fixed amount discounts give shoppers a set dollar amount off their product purchase(s).

    Best Practice: Offering a dollar amount discount for items over $100 dollars will always look larger than a percentage discount. For example, $75 off $300 appears larger than 25% off $300.

  • Free Shipping
    Free shipping is a shopper favorite that eliminates shipping costs entirely. It's a powerful motivator for shoppers to complete their purchases without hesitation.

    Best Practice: Offering free shipping can improve conversion rates, reduce cart abandonment, and enhance the overall shopping experience, ultimately boosting your sales.

Where can discount campaigns/discounted bundles be shown on my website?

Discounts and Promotions on product bundles can currently only be displayed on product pages. This is because all product bundles require a primary product to use to create a bundle suggestion.

If an item is deselected from a bundle, then what happens to the discount?

If an item is removed from the bundle, the discount will no longer apply. The same thing happens if one of the products is removed from the cart after it is added.

If a shopper adds multiple numbers of the same discounted product to their cart when they purchase a bundle, will the additional products also be discounted?

The products included in the bundle will only be discounted once, for a single item. For example, a discounted bundle includes 3 products: a bracelet, a watch, and a belt. If shoppers add the bundle of the 3 products to their cart and an addition of 2 more belts, the additional belts would NOT be discounted.

If a shopper purchases only one of the products in the bundle, will it still be discounted?

The bundle discount only applies if the shopper purchases the whole bundle and will not apply to individual products if the bundle is broken apart. For example, a discounted bundle that includes 3 products: a bracelet, a watch, and a belt. If the shopper unchecks the boxes for the belt and watch and adds only the bracelet to their cart, then the bracelet will NOT be discounted.

Additionally, the bundle discount will only be applied if the bundle is added to the cart as a whole, and not by adding the bundle product to the cart one-by-one.

If a shopper purchases a discounted bundle and then returns to the store later, can they purchase the bundle again?

Bundle discounts use discount codes that can only be used once. This means that the discount previously applied is no longer available for the new purchase. However, if at the time of the 2nd purchase, the same or a similar campaign is active, the shopper may see the bundle discount again and can purchase the products at a discount.

Note: All LimeSpot discounts are set up to be 1 use per customer.

How does the discount get applied? Does the customer need to add it manually?

The customer does not need to apply the discount manually, it is automatically applied.

Can I add more than 1 bundle to the cart?

Only 1 LimeSpot bundle can be added to the cart at this time. Multiple bundles from different product pages will not work together. If a customer adds two different bundles to their cart, only the most recently added bundle discount will be applied.

Can I create a discount for all products in my catalog?

It is possible to create a discount that will apply to all the products in your catalog.

As described above, you can use specific Audience Segments, collections, product types, product tags, specific products, and product recommendations to create multiple Discounts and Promotions on product bundles. When the discount campaign is activated, you could craft your discount campaigns so they ultimately apply a discount of a varying amount to every product in your catalog.

A simple way to apply a discount to every product in your catalog would be to select no specific products or Audience Segments when creating your discount campaign. The discount automatically applies to all products and shoppers when you include all products and audiences.

Can I create a discount for all my visitors?

A simple way to apply a discount to every product in your catalog would be to select no specific products or Audience Segments when creating your discount campaign. The discount automatically applies to all products and shoppers when you include all products and audiences. Otherwise, you can use product collections, product types, product tags, specific products, and product recommendations to define which discounts will be applied to certain products.

Can discounts be reused?

We designed the bundle discounts to be single-use and as such, cannot be reused. While the discount applies automatically, every discount will have its own unique discount code per shopper, which is tracked and verified during all steps from the cart to checkout to purchase. This ensures that no shoppers can “share” their discount codes with others and each shopper can use 1 discount code only once.

How do I make design adjustments to product bundles using developer tools?

You can customize the look and feel of your product bundles through LimeSpot’s Designer. To do this, go to Conversions > Website Personalization, and then select Designer. Once there, select the Product Page in the dropdown menu on the screen's top left side. Once there, select your Bundle Recommendation Box.

What customizations can I make to my discount campaign’s appearance?

Several options are available to adjust the appearance of Personalized Discounts on product bundles.

  • Text Options
    In Step 4 of the discount campaign configuration process, you can make the following adjustments to the language used for your discount.

    • Discount tag: Change the bright label's wording next to the discount information.

    • Discount text: Modify the copy that appears to the right of the Discount Tag and provide more details about the discount.

    • Discount Footnote: Add or edit the “Fine Print” for your campaign.

  • CSS and HTML Options
    Modifying discounted bundles' look and feel requires technical knowledge, including CSS and HTML knowledge. These modifications can be done in the LimeSpot designer using Javascript and CSS. LimeSpot can help support these modifications with information and suggestions, and help with minor/simple customizations. Complex customizations will likely require the help from front-end developer.

How can I see the discounts that have been used and how my discount and promotions campaigns are performing?

Shopify users can view the unique discount codes created by LimeSpot’s Discount and Promotions on product bundles in your Discounts list in your admin interface. LimeSpot discounts will always begin with “LS-”. You can click on the discount code in Shopify to see a more detailed view of the code.

When a discount code expires or becomes invalid, our engine cleans up that discount code permanently. So you will only see active or valid discount codes on the Shopify discount section.

When purchases on discounted product bundles are processed, you can see a high level overview of all recorded conversions on the Analytics > Overview tab. Additionally, if you navigate to the Conversions > Discounts and Promotions tab, then conversions will be reflected on your table of discount campaigns. Data displayed includes number of renders, number of clicks, net sales and discount amount.

Campaign analytics and performance can be viewed in Analytics > Campaigns > Discount & Promotions, similar to other campaign types. On this page you can also filter by date range. You can filter the Analytics Overview, Product, and Recommendation pages based on your campaigns to analyze shopper activities.

Discount Campaigns Priority Order

Merchants can define or change the discount campaigns' priority to clarify which campaign should run when there are multiple active discount campaigns per product per shopper. Sometimes a shopper may view a product that is in multiple bundles. This priority will help the merchant show the bundle discount they want as the primary option to the shopper.

To set a priority order for your discount campaigns, you’ll need to have at least 2 campaigns. Be sure you have selected the Status option that includes the discount campaigns you want to reorder. Then click the “Reorder” button on the top right side of the screen.

Campaigns in the top position have the highest priority. The bottom of your campaign list will have the lowest priority.

What do the Campaign Statuses mean?

When looking at the Personalized on product bundles page, you can sort the page by the status of your campaigns. Just click on the “Status” dropdown on the upper right side of the page. Here’s a breakdown of the status options you’ll see:

  • All: Choosing this option will allow you to see all your Discounts and Promotions campaigns.

  • Draft: This status includes all the campaigns you have scheduled for the future but are not yet active.

  • Active: Sorting by “active” will allow you to see only the Discounts and Promotions campaigns currently available to shoppers.

  • Inactive: This status includes any campaigns you deactivated. They can be edited and activated again.

  • Archived: Archived campaigns are basically deleted. They cannot be edited or moved to an active status again. However, you can still access them and clone them if you choose.

  • Usage Limit Reached: The Discounts and Promotions campaigns for which the usage limit has been reached. Such campaigns are no longer available to shoppers.

  • Expired: This status refers to campaigns that were scheduled to end and the end date has passed. Such campaigns are no longer available to shoppers.

Can discount campaigns be A/B tested?

Currently Personalized Discounts on product bundles cannot be tested using A/B testing.

How do I activate my campaign for Personalized Discounts?

After creating your campaign, publish it on the website using Designer. Go to Designer > Product page, select “Product Bundle Discounts”, and click the Enabled checkbox.

What carousels/recommendation boxes does discount & promotions work with?

Product bundle discounts have a product as a focus point, the feature works only on the Bundle Style with the following recommendation boxes:

  1. Frequently Bought Together

  2. Cross-sell

  3. Related Items

Why is the main product/reference product not added to my cart after I add the bundle?

If your main product is part of any unpublished collection, even if it's part of a published collection, it will not show up in the product bundles. You will have to delete the Unpublished collections or remove the affected products from these collections in order for them to be displayed inside the recommendation boxes.

Products in your unpublished collections will also not show up in your LimeSpot recommendation boxes except for the following conditions:

  1. If the product pages are viewed/visited, the main product will be displayed inside the Recently Viewed box.

  2. If the "Manual Picks - Include "Unpublished Collections" is checked for manually selected products for the Cross-sell and Upsell boxes in your Systems Configuration. (This is checked by default. You can confirm this with our Support team) Note: The main item will not be included in the cart when the bundle is added even if the Manual Pick settings is checked.

In order to see which products are a part of any of your Unpublished collections, you can go to the Limespot app > Content > Collections > Check the product

If it's part of an unpublished collection, it will look like this:

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