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Get started with Audience Segmentation

Learn more about LimeSpot's built in Audience Segmentation.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

Audience segmentation allow you to subdivide your visitors based on characteristics such as affinity (interests and preferences), context (location, device type, UTM parameters, etc) and lifecycle stage (for instance, new shoppers vs returning customers).

This feature is included in the Premium plans and available as an add-on for all other plans.

Segments can be used to tailor online experiences to align with your shoppers' expectations, making shopping more intuitive. You can dynamically serve segment-appropriate product recommendation types, collections, emails, discounts and more.

To get started, navigate to your LimeSpot Admin Panel > Segmentation > Audience. Click on Create Segment to begin.

Choose from our list of predefined eegments or create your own by clicking on "Blank".

For example purposes, let's select the "Active Customers" segment. A pop-up will appear asking you to set a minimum number of product views over the past 6 months for your customers to be considered "Active". Let's go ahead and set the minimum number to be 5 (you can change this number later).

Click Create to go to editing your audience segment.

The edit page of the segment allows to further define the conditions that need to be met by a user to be added to this segment. For example, we may want to specific whether they need to have viewed a specific collection or change the date range.

Other conditions can be added by using the plus sign (โŠ•). Once you are satisfied, click Save. Once you have saved, your audience segment will be active on your store.

Now you are ready to use segments to tailor your site. Next, see:

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