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Sales channels excluded from LimeSpot gross sales analytics
Sales channels excluded from LimeSpot gross sales analytics

Find out what sales channels LimeSpot excludes from gross sales analytics.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated this week

By default, the sales from the following channels are excluded from gross sales. They are not used for any statistical calculations or reports on our analytics dashboard:

  • Shopify Draft Orders

  • Shopify POS

  • Amazon

  • Facebook

  • Wanelo


  • MyDeal

  • eBay

  • ReCharge recurring orders

  • Walmart

  • Outdoorly

  • Anthropologie

  • Honeycomb

  • Canal

  • Marketplacer

  • DoneGood

  • Snappy

  • J.Crew

  • Houzz

  • Lifted

  • The Bay

  • Cymbio

  • Maisonette

  • Madewell

  • Faire

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