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Best practices for recommendation box placements
Best practices for recommendation box placements

Check out the best practices for the recommendation boxes.

Written by Will Wadman
Updated over a week ago

To further increase your store's performance, here are a few of our best practice suggestions for placements of our Recommendation Boxes throughout your store. For a detailed explanation of why these are the best practices, visit this article.


Recommendation Box Type

Best Placement


Most Popular

Below your main banner

Featured Collection

Below Most Popular

You May Like

Below Featured Collection

Recent Views

Right above the footer


Most Popular in This Collection

Above the collection products and below the collection title

Recent Views

Below the collection above footer


Related Items

Right below the product description

Frequently Bought Together

Above the Related Items

Recent Views

Below other recommendations



Right above the cart items

Frequently Bought Together

Right below the cart information

Related Items or Cross-Sell

After Frequently Bought Together

Recent Views

Right above the footer


You May Like

Above all the other recommendations

Most Popular or Trending

Below the You May Like items

Featured Collection

Below the Most Popular/Trending Items

Recent Views

Below other recommendations

Order Status/Thank You & Checkout*


Above the order details

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Below the order details

*Checkout page implementation only available for Shopify+ users

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